
We provide a high-speed Internet connection of 200 Mbps, ensuring fast and reliable Wi-Fi. You can easily stream, upload, and download without any problems using our dependable Internet service.

Garage Doors

We have a garage door that is 15 feet high and can be easily accessed. This door is ideal for bringing in big props, vehicles, staging, or sets.

Photography Equipment

We have Canon, Nikon, and Sony transmitters available that can control our Godox AD400 and two Godox AD200 devices. When you use our photography studio, you can make use of this equipment without any additional charges.


We currently have 5 different colored photo backdrops available: yellow, brown, orange, pink, and white.

Podcast Microphone

We provide three reliable microphones and the Rode Caster Podcast recorder for free for every podcast.

Hair & Make-up Stations

Although other parts of our studio can be utilized for hair styling, makeup application, and wardrobe changes, we provide two dedicated stations for doing makeup within a separate and private space near the restroom.